Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Night Vale skirt is done!

I'm so damn happy with how it turned out. The applique all looks great, it fits perfectly, and the zippered pocket is more than enough room to step into it or slip it over my head.

You'll notice my hair is all artfully cropped out of these photos. What, I just woke up.

One thing I really adore about this skirt is the contrast band around the bottom. It gives the skirt a great weight and swing to it. I feel like flouncing around all day in this thing. I definitely need to try this trick with another circle skirt -  a basic one, this time!

I'm wearing this on top of a crinoline I got yesterday at the Toronto Vintage Clothing Show. I had a great time there, and also picked up a 1924 Ladies' Home Journal and some vintage lipsticks.

 It's a nice basic crinoline. But look at the bow! The bow is what had me smitten. It's a nice size for me, too. Because I'm a mere 5'1", a super-full crinoline completely engulfs me. My natural child-bearing hips also help make a petticoat stand out on it's own. This one is just two layers of gathered net over a built-in nylon slip, so it's plenty enough fulness for me.

In other news, I quit one of my three jobs this week. Working every day was proving too much for me, and I had to let one of them go. Luckily the costume designer I've been working for was happy to give me more hours so it ended up all shaking out. I do have one week off, though, which I must say I'm pretty grateful for. After working seven day weeks for the last couple of months a few days off is going to feel luxurious. I've been marathoning How Clean is Your House, so today I'm all ready to give the apartment a scrub from top to bottom. My schedule for this week is:

Tuesday: Focus on the home. Do my laundry, donate old clothes, return all my empties, give everything a good clean.
Wednesday: Focus on me. Get my eyebrows done, maybe a manicure. Have a lovely bath, do my hair, wax my legs. Listen to music with a glass of wine and have a lovely dinner in my clean apartment.
Thursday: Focus on my hobbies. I bought McCalls 6696 which I'm going to whip up in a red plaid. I'm super excited for it.

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