Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Night Vale skirt

So yes, I promised the vintage wardrobe revamp thing and that post is still in the works, but this little project crept up on me and took over slightly and I just had to share.

Some of you may be familiar with a little podcast known as Welcome to Night Vale. If you aren't, it's a 100% free podcast and you have no excuse go check it out immediately.

I won't go over too much the plot or premise too much as a little light googling will do that for you. But suffice to say it has just the blend of weird and silly and dark that I tend to love in one place and I'm a little head over heels.

What Night Vale also has going for it is a super cool logo.

And because this is me and even I don't understand the reason my brain comes up with things, I decided this design just HAD to become an appliqued circle skirt. 

Who knows. 

I started with a simple circle skirt in this poly/cotton blend twill I got at Fabric by Designers in the garment district. (A FANTASTIC fabric store btw for people in the Toronto area). The black contrast band around the bottom is a four inch wide bias strip I shaped into a curve with steam. Getting the shapes the right size was pure trial and error of cutting them out in paper and adjusting until I was happy with the spacing. I then cut them out in the correct fabric colours and pinned them on. I didn't bother with seam allowance, as I'm going to use a machine satin stitch to cover the raw edges and sew it down.

For the weathervane on the barn, and the legs of the water tower I'm going to purchased some 1/4" black grosgran ribbon. The powerline will be a 1/2" grosgrain, and for the wires themselves a lightweight black cotton cord.

My goal is to get this done for Costume Con at the end of April. I'm pretty damn exciting just to be wearing it around town, too!

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