Saturday 22 February 2014

Vintage hair for VERY thick, short hair

In what may perhaps be a fit of insanity, I've decided to take on a contract on top of my two current jobs. Which means for the next two weeks and a half, I'm going to be working every day. Wish me luck!

While I'm excited about the extra money coming in and the great experience, this isn't going to give me much time to sew, alas.

So to tide me over, I'm going to show a few of my favourite hairstyles for quick and easy mornings.

In preparation - I'm in no way a great hairdresser. But I like to play around and have fun and experiment. I also do not have a haircut that is particularly conducive to vintage hairstyles. My hair is VERY thick. Insanely thick. When it was long by ponytail would have about a 1.5 inch diameter. And since I'm not yet willing to sacrifice and wash-and-wear style, I get a lot of layering and thinning put in my hair when I get it cut. If I don't, it's a big puffy mess every day.

That does mean that pin-curls don't stay in particularly well in my hair (too many layers) although I am still trying. What my hair does take well are foam rollers overnight, and a good curling iron. So here's a great style that works on my super thick, layered hair.

The easiest hairstyle for me - two french braids on either side. It's off my face, it looks cute. A total win. I just centre part my hair (my hair has a natural centre part, so this works best for me) and start with a small section at the crown, braiding and adding in new strands until the hair tapers off. Bind with a clear eleastic, cover with some ribbon, and pin flat with a bobby pin.

You may notice my little short wispy bits in the front - that's because until this summer I had the side of my hair over my ears shaved off. They're just long enough now to curl, so I use my hot iron to curl it away from the face in small sections. Then curl under my bangs, spray, and go! Takes me about 10 minutes in all.

My lipstick today is Rimmel Colour Rush Intense Colour Balm in The Redder the Better. Which I am LOVING. Very moisturizing, but not too shiny.

I hope you enjoy. and see you on the other side!

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