Thursday 16 January 2014

A quilted desk pad

 You know what're great? Fabric sample sets. Especially when they're all cute as hell and pre-coordinated for you.  I picked up a very cute sample pack from work of these adorable flowered prints in pink and green. It was crying out for a quilting project.

I have a very cute vintage desk of my mothers I use as my computer table. It's in great condition, except for a few unseemly cracks on the work surface. Until now I'd been using a table cloth, but that tends to make the drawers hard to access.

So I had the brilliant idea for making a quilted desk topper (is this a thing people do? I have no idea. Who cares, I had an idea and I was rolling with it). I picked six of my favourite prints in the sample pack, three pink and three green. I used a particularly fetching bright pink to make some bias.
I had every intention of doing a diamond shaped quilting pattern but after doing the first diagonal lines... I thought it looked fine (yes, I was being lazy shhhh)

I used polyester quilting batting in the middle, and finished the edges with bias trim.

Also note my adorable vintage chocolates tin I use to prop my mac up a little higher.  I love juxtaposing new and old like this. And the tin is from Toronto!

What I liked: The effect is VERY cute, and I like having the padding under my keyboard. I added some non-slip vinyl back (the kind you get for inside drawers) between the pad and the desk and it keeps it gripped nice and tight.

What I'd change: This was my first attempt at quilting ANYTHING and yeah... my quilting lines are a little wobbly. I tried using the quilting arm, but it's not overly stable. Next time I'd trace all the lines out first in fabric marker.

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