Sunday 19 January 2014

My favourite two little words in the world... Garage Sale

Today I schlepped up to Dundas and Jane to a garage sale I saw advertised on Kijiji. And well worth the bus trip - I got several bundles of fabric and great pair of vintage shoes.

The blue cotton velvet up top is screaming to me to be a cut little cropped jacket. The watered blue next to it is a lovely lining-weight silk, and I think these two need to get together. 

My other favourite is that blue and white cotton print near the bottom. I'm sensing a highly adorable summer dress outta that one.

And the shoes!

One of the great things about being hella tiny (I'm 5'1") is that I am blessed with similarly tiny feet, perfect for vintage shoes. The owner said she got these from an estate sale of a man selling his aunt's belongings. They're in great condition and a perfect fit.

I attended a workshop on leather painting this past summer so I'm excited to try painting these. I'm feeling purple, I think.

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