Sunday 26 January 2014

Quick post - rick rack and hem confession

So this summer I decided to make myself a cute little easy sundress out of this adorable cotton print I found at King's Textiles on Spadina.

It's drafted by myself, and the skirt is just two straight panels, slightly narrower than the width of the fabric. 

Now, here's the confession part. I originally made this dress to be a little on the shorter side. What I forgot is that shorter skirt + less fullness = impossible to bend over even slightly in without the world finding out the colour of my undies. I wore the dress out a few times but yeah... it had a tendency to flip up at the slightest provocation.

I'd given myself a two inch hem, but I felt like replacing it with a narrow hem would ruin the nice fullness at the bottom of the skirt. Since the skirt was straight panels, and I had leftover elephant fabric, I knew I could cheat and add a new three inches around the hem of the skirt, and cover the join with a strip of trim. I picked up some rick rack at work and voila - my little mistake is only mine to know about. (and also whoever may be reading this. Oops?)

At some point soon I will actually get pictures of myself in some of these! And yes, this one really needs an iron.

The exposed zipper in the back. How cute are the tiny elephants!

 And my little 'whoops' on the hem. The purple rick rack is covering the seam where I added the extra fabric, and the pink just above that.

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